Deligreen Cross the Western of China

2020-08-03 14:17:02 Deligreen 433

Deligreen Cross the Western of China

          In celebration the great complishment in 2019. we had finally decieded to embarked on our journey in this loverly Summer from July23th to 31th. we all so excited that we could able to experience the lifestyle ,nice view of western of China. “desert gentle like our mother“”the vast land make us  feel “we are just a grian of sand” the straighter up Haloxylon tree try their best to get survive" the blue sky just over our head like a giant cotton candy ....everything there had "updated" us

          Someone said :" 80% of our life is dull,but 20% of happiness is enough for us to last a lifetime. this happinese journey will let Deligreen become more powerful , start to  expect our next journey

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TAG:  Western of China Deligreen