Nordic Greens, one of the largest tomato growers in both Denmark and Sweden, has announced that they will not grow any tomatoes during winter in their Sweden-based cultivation because of the skyrocketing electricity prices.
"We have 5 hectares of lit cultivation," Mads Pedersen, CEO of the company, says. "And we had to take that out because electricity prices are just ridiculous. We wouldn't have been able to pay for the increased cost. That's why we decided to skip this cycle."
The company has around 160,000 square meters of greenhouses, of which 20,000 are equipped with LED lighting that is on 18 hours a day. Usually, between 30 and 40 tonnes of tomatoes are grown every week during the winter. For the first time in eight years, the company has chosen to cancel the seedlings that were to be planted in a few weeks.
"It hits us hard, really hard. It simply costs too much with the lighting, but it is still too early to say exactly how big a break it will be for us financially," says site manager Mindaugas Krasauskas. Mads remarks that if prices go down, they will start growing again. "But we usually would start another round in January. So, we'll see how things will be then."
According to Urdupoint, some 500 tonnes of tomatoes will disappear from store shelves this winter due to the suspension.
Gas rationing risk means French yoghurt factory faces sour future
Like many countries, France plans to shut off businesses first if there is not enough gas or electricity, with European nations facing the prospect of energy shortages this winter following Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
But energy cuts, or even mandated reductions to businesses, risk causing unexpected and surprising economic consequences, such as a halt in the production of French consumers' beloved yoghurt.
The French are big on yogurt, behind only the Dutch in consumption per capita. It is not only a breakfast staple, but often eaten with lunch or as a snack.
But making yoghurt is an energy-intensive process.
For Patrick Falconnier, director of the Eurial Ultra Fresh factory southeast of Paris, it's quite simple: "No gas" means "no more yogurt".
The milk from the tanker trucks, after having gone through rigorous quality controls, is transferred into tanks where it is briefly heated to a high temperature to kill bacteria naturally present.
According to france24
The effect of energy shortage is huge due to the war between Russia and Ukraine.
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