Annual Party of Deligreen

2022-01-26 08:58:03 Deligreen 1052

Last Saturday, 22,Jan 2022, at the corner of traditional Chinese New Year, we celebrated our annual party with more than 20 employees of our Deligreen family! 

Laughing sounds echoed through our event venue; best wishes were passed across the tables.

Free-flow hot liquors and festive snacks make us feel like we are at home.

We received the year-end summary from CEO Mandy Chou .

The colleagues, who could not come to the venue due to the COVID-19 also watched the whole party through real-time connection.

For this year's annual party, we have prepared a packed program for our visitors, including pop song brought by idol groups, interesting games, and impressed classical dancing solo, 

which will definitely make everyone have fun and enjoy themselves!


Besides cheerful games and performances, an annual party without lucky-draw would not be an annual party. 

Many household appliances were given as presents. How we envy the luck of the winners!

The most inspiring moments were the prize awarding. In reward for the dedicated working, employees who were the best sales, the most devoted, the most supportive.... were rewarded prize.

Thanks for all the planners and performers of the annual party! 

Team from Deligreen wishes you peace and happiness in 2022!